My Teacher and School Community
My child’s teacher updates me on my child’s progress regularly by writing monthly on my student’s progress relative to standards/grade-level expectations.
The staff at my child’s school is diverse.
I know that the staff at my child’s school is evaluated and coached regularly.
The staff at my school makes an effort to engage the community.
The school has a public plan to keep quality teachers.
I am informed of the type of ongoing training and support my teachers and school staff receive.
Teachers at my school have the opportunity to expand learning into a culturally relevant curriculum.
There are systems/structures at my school to create innovative approaches to achieve higher rates of proficiency and growth,
There are simple and effective communication methods between the school and parents so I always know what is happening at my school.
I know that great teachers are staying at my school year after year.
I know the academic goals of my student, my student’s grade level and entire school; and parents are updated on progress towards goals throughout the year.